Q&A: How do you get a dog to stop biting?

If you’ve recently adopted a new pup, you may have noticed that they have a tendency to bite. While it’s normal for puppies to mouth and nip, it’s important to teach them not to bite so they don’t hurt people or other animals. If your pup is biting, here are some tips to help you get them to stop.

1. Be consistent.

Consistency is key when it comes to teaching your pup not to bite. Every time they bite, be sure to say “no” in a firm voice and remove them from the situation. This will help them understand that biting is not acceptable behavior.

2. Redirect their attention.

When your pup starts to bite, try to redirect their attention to something else. Give them a toy to chew on or offer them a treat. This will help them understand that biting isn’t the way to get your attention.

3. Use positive reinforcement.

When your pup stops biting, be sure to give them lots of praise and treats. This will help them understand that good behavior is rewarded and will encourage them to keep it up.

4. Avoid rough play.

Rough play can encourage biting, so it’s important to avoid activities that may make your pup more likely to bite. Instead, opt for activities like fetch or tug-of-war that don’t involve biting.

5. Seek professional help.

If you’ve tried all of the above tips and your pup is still biting, it may be time to seek professional help. A certified dog trainer can help you understand why your pup is biting and provide you with strategies to help them stop.

Biting can be a normal part of puppyhood, but it’s important to teach your pup not to bite so they don’t hurt people or other animals. With consistency, positive reinforcement, and the help of a professional, you can get your pup to stop biting.