Essential things that you should teach to your dog

When it comes to training your new dog, there are a few essential things that you should focus on teaching first. These are the basic behaviors that will help your dog to understand what is expected of them and will set the foundation for more advanced training in the future. Here are a few things that you should consider teaching your dog first:

  1. Potty training: One of the first things you’ll want to teach your dog is where it is appropriate to go to the bathroom. This is an essential behavior that will help to keep your home clean and will make it easier for you to take your dog out in public.
  2. Sit: The “sit” command is a basic obedience behavior that is easy for dogs to learn and is very useful in a variety of situations. Teaching your dog to sit on command will help you to control their movement and will make it easier to get them to settle down when they are feeling energetic.
  3. Come: The “come” command is an important safety behavior that will help you to keep your dog from running off or getting into dangerous situations. Teaching your dog to come when called will help to keep them safe and will give you peace of mind when you take them out in public.
  4. Stay: The “stay” command is another essential behavior that will help you to keep your dog safe and under control. Teaching your dog to stay in one place can be especially useful when you are taking them out in public or when you have visitors over.
  5. Leave it: The “leave it” command is a behavior that will help you to teach your dog self-control and will prevent them from getting into things that they shouldn’t. Whether it’s food on the counter or a toy they shouldn’t be playing with, the “leave it” command is an important behavior that will help you to keep your dog safe and well-behaved.

While there are many other behaviors that you can teach your dog, these are a few of the most essential ones to focus on first. By teaching your dog these basic behaviors, you’ll be setting the foundation for more advanced training in the future and will be helping your dog to understand what is expected of them.